Preventing Dementia (parts 1 and 2)

This is a talk I gave on 6th May 2023 for a Yarra City Council community event run by charity Green Karma. It covers the key issues around preventing dementia, including treatment options and key risk factors. No surprise but a healthy diet and healthy other lifestyle behaviours can reduce dementia risk up to 90%.

Food, Systems and the Environment

October 2022: I was interviewed by Chef AJ on her popular Youtube channel. In the first 20 minutes she asks me about my background. Following that is my slide presentation on the threats to our environment caused by our food system. A key take home message is that even if we eliminate all fossil fuel use immediately, it won’t be enough to avoid 1.5 degrees or possible 2 degrees of warming, unless we also change how we produce food. The ‘cow in the room’ is animal agriculture which is by far the largest cause of environmental destruction. The last 25 minutes or so is a Q&A session with her audience (this was a live broadcast). Warning: this is quite a scary talk, but super important for people to understand. So if you find it helpful please share widely. I have presented this talk at two conferences this year, including a large medical student conference held in Melbourne in July and also to a graduating class of 40 new dietitians at La Trobe University in late October 2022.

What is the perfect human food?

June 2022: I was interviewed by The Lentil Intervention podcast. The discussion covered some of my background, including my work as a young man in New Zealand shearing gangs where eight of us ate a whole sheep every day. And my summer job whilst at University in Christchurch collecting up to 1800L of fresh sheep’s blood from a slaughterhouse several times per week! Thankfully those days are well behind me! I also go over some of the key ways in which animal agriculture is so damaging for our environment.

Food Vitals Webinar

May 2022: I was part of a Doctors For Nutrition panel discussing what are sustainable and healthy eating patterns.

Shifting the Healthcare system

7/9/21: Lifestyle and a broken healthcare system – Interview of Dr Peter Johnston by Andrew Alexander of “Creating a Vegan World” Youtube channel.

What is the best diet for health?

26/7/21: Food Vitals Webinar • The best diet for health: evidence and practice • 26 July 2021. Featuring a wonderful talk from Dr Shireen Kassam as the main presenter. I have a role in the Q&A from 54:40.

The Farmacy, Prescriptions of the Future

June 2021: My colleague, Dr Malcolm Mackay and I were honoured to have the opportunity to present to the annual Melbourne University Medical School MD Student Conference in June 2021.