Some of my favourite resources
Educational Documentaries
Many of these are available on Netflix, some on Youtube. For others you have to go to the website (just Google the documentary name) where there is generally a small fee to stream the movie.
Forks over Knives – a powerful documentary which has changed countless thousands of lives for the better. Available free at: Lots of great resources at this site also.
They’re Trying to Kill Us – a brilliant new documentary released late 2021 and available for a small fee from Vimeo. Examines the intersections of food, disease, race, poverty, institutional racism and government corruption to reveal why people of colour suffer from disproportionately higher rates of chronic disease.
The Game Changers – exec producer is James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic etc). About elite athletes who are plant-based for better performance and recovery.
Eating You Alive – amazing documentary featuring interviews with many doctors and many inspiring recovery stories.
What the Health – filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation’s leading health organisations doesn’t want people to know about it.
The Big Fat Lie – New Zealand man, Grant Davis is rushed to the hospital and told that he needs open heart surgery. He discovers a whole food plant-based diet, turns his life around, and embarks on a quest to seek the truth and challenge officials, asking why he wasn’t warned.
Cowspiracy – educates viewers about how animal agriculture is the leading cause of “deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation industry, is a primary driver of rain forest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean ‘dead zones,’ and virtually every other environmental ill.” (on Youtube also).
Seaspiracy – a 2021 documentary film about the environmental impact of fishing. The film examines various human impacts on marine life and advocates for ending fish consumption. If you are wondering if fish can be sustainable, watch this documentary and see for yourself.
Eating Our Way to Extinction – a new hard-hitting documentary exposing the true cost of eating animals by revealing the impact that animal agriculture and and a meat-eating diet is having on our planet. Narrated by Kate Winslet.
Breaking Boundaries – a sobering documentary about what might be the end of the world. It focuses on nine planetary thresholds, outlined by the Swedish scientist and environmental science professor Johan Rockstrom, which, if exceeded, will make life on Earth no longer sustainable
Dominion– about the treatment of farm animals in Australia (this one is pretty shocking, but is real footage from hidden cameras).
- The Exam Room – new editions out every few days (also on Youtube)
- The Lentil Intervention – featuring NZ and Australian guests talking about health and environment
- Switch4Good – with Olympic cyclist Dotsie Bausch
- Brain Health and Beyond – with the husband and wife team of neurologists, Dean and Ayesha Sherzai
- The Corinne Nijjer podcast – a delightful Melbourne woman. Lots of great stories of people’s recovery journeys. Corinne previously had Hashimoto’s and Multiple Sclerosis
- Mastering Diabetes – with Dr Cyrus Khambatta and Robbie Barbaro (also on Youtube)
- The Whole Health Cure – Dr Sharon Bergquist
- Rheumatoid Solutions – with Clint Paddison who has reversed his rheumatoid arthritis (also on Youtube)
Youtube channels
- – also website of the same name. Hosts 1000s of short nutrition videos searchable by subject
- Healthy Human Revolution – with Dr Laurie Marbas
- Chef AJ – new guests every day. She host lots of interesting plant-based health professionals
- Rich Roll – a plant-based ultra endurance athlete who has many interesting guests. Not always focussed on nutrition
- Physician’s Committee – lots of great nutrition info from medical and dietetic experts in a very accessible format
- Mic the Vegan – evidence-based nutrition information
- Vshvideo – Excellent talks by experts to the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii
- Plantstrong by Engine 2 – with Rip Esselstyn interviewing expert guests
- How not to Die – by Dr Michael Greger – a deep dive into the evidence for reversing our major causes of death
- How not to Diet – by Dr Michael Greger – a deep dive into how to most effectively lose weight
- Undo It – by Dr Dean and Anne Ornish – how to undo chronic diseases
- The China Study – by Dr T Colin Campbell – a powerful book that has changed many, many lives
- Your Body in Balance – by Dr Neal Barnard – on hormonal balance and the impacts of diet
- Nourish – by Dr Reshma Shah and Brenda Davis – nutrition for families- pregnancy, infants, teenagers etc
- Becoming Vegan – by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina – a great reference book on nutrition
- The Pleasure Trap – by Drs Douglas Lisle and Alan Goldhamer – one of the most powerful and important books on health
- Mastering Diabetes – by Dr Cyrus Khambatta and Robbie Barbaro
- The Future of Nutrition – by T Colin Campbell – a fascinating look at the science of nutrition